Wednesday, September 21, 2016

 This morning I needed to get to a location I wasn't 100% sure how to get to so I asked Siri to give me  directions. At first, things were going good, but then something went haywire and Siri started leading me to the wrong location. I knew the general vicinity of where I needed to be so it soon became obvious that I was being led away from that area. So I backtracked to the point where I knew I was close to my desired location and began to carefully survey the area around me, seeking out familiar landmarks to guide me. Eventually, I arrived at my destination.

As I was thinking back over my morning, I was reminded how easy it would be to veer from the course in our Christian walk if we begin listening to voices that are leading us in the wrong direction. Oh, at first it may not appear to be doing that, but a small change in direction here, a small change there, and soon we will be far from where we need to be. There is hope should we wander off course though. We can always go back to God and seek His direction and get back on course. I'm thankful for that because I know there are times when I have messed up and it had me heading slightly off course. Had I not taken notice and adjusted the route I was on, I could have strayed far from God. I never want to get to that place. So how can we stay on the right path? Spend time with God. Pray. Meditate His Word (the Bible). This helps us learn to recognize his voice. And when we recognize His voice we won't easily be led astray by another voice.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Years ago I had a worship leader who gave our worship team a survey. He asked the question, "If you had to sing from behind a wall or curtain, would it bother you?" Well, that's as close as I can remember it being worded anyway. I did say it was years ago, right? My response to the question was that it didn't matter to me if I was on stage, behind a curtain or a wall. It wasn't about me being seen. Being on the team was about worshipping God and uplifting His name in praise. Truthfully, hiding behind a wall would have been more comfortable for me at that time. I would have felt more free to be myself and worship in a way I would have liked to.

Today I was thinking about something I heard a worship leader say. He said that when a person is desperate for God it can get messy. As I pondered that thought I concluded that if you're truly that desperate you wouldn't care what people thought about your worship. You would do whatever you wanted, whether it was dancing, shouting, or laying prostrate on the floor. You wouldn't care how you looked when you cried. All you'd care about was God. He would be your focus. I may not be messy at every service, but I certainly want to express myself freely. And I'm glad that I am at a church that allows that freedom in worship.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

So many times we go to church and we think, "that was an awesome message." And it usually is. The question is, "What will we do with it?" It steps on our toes, it challenges us, it inspires us...but is that enough? Did it change us? Did it spur us to action? Did it grip our heart so deeply that we have to do something more than we're doing? Or will we simply file it away and forget about it?

Over the years I've heard some pretty amazing things said from a pulpit. Some brought me to tears. Some caused a stirring in my heart, a conviction so strong that I knew something had to change. But often times, change can be hard. We're so stuck in our ruts and routine. I don't want to get to the end of my life and wonder if I did enough. I don't want to regret the opportunities I missed. I don't want those awesome messages to go in one ear and out the other.

I wrote a song once and one of the verses said, "What would it mean if I listened to Your word, but nothing changed inside my heart after all that I had heard...and what good would it do if I said I worshiped You, yet my life wasn't showing that worship to be true?" When we hear the Word with our hearts, not merely our ears, it will be life changing. And that change will cause our lives to be a reflection of the love of Christ, living out our worship in tangible ways. I've often seen that people are more willing to listen to the gospel when they are having their emotional and physical needs met.How can we preach of a loving God and do nothing while people are hurting? How can we sit in our ivory towers and look down at the poor and downtrodden? How can we sit idly by while people are dying all around us? Sometimes it's easy for people to go in and tell someone about Jesus, maybe even offer to pray for them, but then turn and leave them in their misery. Where is the love in that? Would this be Jesus' response? I can't say that I've always shown the kind of love that Jesus would. I can't say that I've taken every opportunity to share His love with others. What I can say is that I want to be better at loving those who God loves.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

When I was young, I was under the impression that even a Christian who sinned was doomed to hell. I grew up in the hellfire and damnation era, and many preachers seemed to be trying to scare you into obedience. And those who veered off course were often times humiliated by being pointed out to the church. It made it appear to those watching and listening that Christianity was far too difficult, and that acceptance was easier to find among sinners. Who could live up to the standard of perfection? No one. But, being a child, I didn't realize that this message wasn't entirely true or that the person preaching this message was probably sinning themselves. Well, here I am years later and I still have to remind myself that Jesus came so that we didn't have to live up to the law without error. Let's face it, absolutely no one could do that, other than Jesus himself.And that is the reason his blood had to be shed. That's when grace came into play. Our salvation is not dependent on our works. We can't be good enough. We can't do enough. And it's refreshing to know that we don't have to be perfect.

Yesterday, I had a bad day. I'm sure that my actions (or more accurately, my reactions) didn't quite live up to the standard of Christian behavior that I desire to have. Some may think that my actions weren't that bad or that they were justified, but I want to be better than that. I don't want anything questionable about my behavior to be a stumbling block to others. Anyway, I don't know why I find it so difficult to just ask forgiveness at the onset, but I ended up going to bed with this unresolved issue playing out in my head. Eventually, I prayed some quick little, "forgive me, Lord" prayer and finally fell asleep. But this morning I woke up to this feeling that perhaps my prayer wasn't enough and then that guilt came creeping back in. But I got to thinking about that verse in Lamentations 3:22-23, which says:

"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

1 John 1:9 tells us,  "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

So if God's mercy is new every morning, and he is faithful and just and will forgive us when we repent, then we can come boldly to the throne of grace and obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:6). So, even though my prayer may not have been this long, drawn out, wordy prayer, if I was truly repentant (and I was), then it was enough. And I don't have to keep dwelling on the sin, but rather, I can dwell on the faithfulness, the mercy and forgiveness that God has given. And I can move forward and put this behind me. And nobody can throw guilt and condemnation on me, not even myself. If I keep rehashing this and feeling like it hasn't been forgiven, then I'm ultimately saying that Jesus' blood wasn't enough.

Monday, November 17, 2014

I was sitting here going through some old emails and letters I had printed out years ago. On occasion I like to read them again. I came across a letter that I had written to my cousin (who had already passed away). I was crying as I read the words. It reminded me of just how much I lost when she died. But it also reminded me of how blessed I was to have had her in my life. Sometimes when we're living in the moment we may take it for granted. But I can honestly say that I never took Etta Marie Hatcher for granted. She was one of a kind and I loved her. January will be five years since she died. In some ways, I miss her even more than I miss my dad (who died a year ago in December). I know that may sound bad, but if you know my story you can understand why. Anyway, I went on to read some other things I had printed as well. Each of them was printed out for a reason. These people and their words touched my life in some way. There are times when I may feel like my life hasn't been that important or that I haven't changed much over the years. But reading some of the words that teenagers wrote to me, advice a friend gave me, some explanation about a Bible verse that I'm sharing with someone or they are sharing with me takes me back to that time and place. And I am reminded that, despite the fact that I don't feel like I'm all that important, someone thought I was, just as I thought Marie was. We never know the power of a simple kind word or deed. The lessons I've learned along the way have molded me into the woman I am today. The people who've crossed my path have all been there for a reason. I have a long way to go still, but I know that as I move forward there will be many others who will touch my lives, and hopefully, I will in some way touch theirs.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Dirty Feet Missions!media/cj5l

I know that I posted this on my facebook page already, and some of you have probably already seen it. But I wanted to be sure to spread the word about this great ministry that was founded by my long time friend, Genia Padgett O'Neal. There are so many awesome ministries out there that a person can support. And I encourage you to support those you feel passionate about. The reason I share this one is because I know the person behind the scenes.I know that her faith is authentic. She lives it every day. She's not about the drama that often time comes from denominational differences. She's about joining forces with others (regardless of denomination) and helping the poor. She's about showing God's love in tangible ways. And the contributions you make are spent where she says they will be spent. Please take time to watch her video. Go explore her website. Read the blogs and testimonies about what God is doing, not only in the lives of those ministered to, but in the lives of those who set out to minister to others. If you find it in your heart to go on a mission trip, donate financially, pray or help in some other way (maybe you have some talent you can share), then by all means, do so.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I'm writing this post primarily to myself. It's not pointing fingers at anyone other than me, and anyone who might wear this same shoe (you know, if the shoe fits, wear it) may get a little something as a result. For me, it's a reminder, of sorts. Over the years I've hated change, and much preferred being in my own little comfort zone. I would venture to say that I'm not alone, but it's a pattern I don't want to keep repeating. And possibly, others feel the same way.

Sometimes people go through life never taking chances, never pulling out the stops. Fear is the great defeater of dreams and destiny. It can rob us of a joy and exhilaration that comes from doing what we thought impossible. While change and risk taking can be scary, to never change or take a risk can be stifling and will lead to a dull, boring existence that is often times filled with regrets. But stepping out and taking that chance could end up being the most amazing experience.

Shifting blame can keep us safe in our comfort zone. You know what I'm talking about, "I couldn't do it because..." You fill in your own blank. In some cases, there may be valid reasons, but many times it's just another excuse. But if we want to live the lives that God wants for us, we have to be open to change. We have to be risk takers. I think about all the men and women in the Bible who had to do things that required them to take a leap of faith. They had to make drastic changes in their lives in order to fulfill God's plan. Look at Moses, for example. He was living in a palace. And the next thing you know, he's leading God's people out of captivity. Talk about a radical change. And what about disciples who dropped everything to follow Jesus? And then there's Abraham. He left the family he knew in order to have descendents as numerous as the stars. At the time of his leaving that probably seemed pretty preposterous. All of these people had to step far from their comfort zone.This causes me to think that God likes taking us into places we might fear to tread. It requires faith. When we place our trust in Him, and follow the leading of the Spirit, we can be certain that no matter what happens, it's all a part of the plan. We may not always see it immediately, but rest assured it will become evident.

Years ago I felt I needed to leave a church I was at. I loved the people and had been there for many years. But because of personal reasons, I felt I couldn't stay there. Even knowing in my head that I needed to leave didn't give me that assurance that it was the right decision. I fought it for about a year. I had always been comfortable there, but at that point my comfort had changed to discomfort. I really believe that was God nudging me to get me to act. One day while I was on a retreat with some teens I spent some alone time with God. As I was praying, I felt such a peace about leaving. So I did. I didn't really have any idea where I was headed to in the beginning. After much prayer and searching I found a church I felt compelled to stay at so I planted roots. About six months into it, all the reasons why I needed to be at the new church began to unfold. I took in two boys and I would need some of the people there to help me through one of the most difficult journeys of my life. I know that God surrounded me with all the right people for that time in my life. It took me leaving the comfort zone and stepping into the unfamiliar. It required me to trust people I didn't really know that well. And in the long run, it caused me to deal with some issues I had buried long before.

By nature, I am usually a shy person when I first meet people. I feel uncomfortable. It takes me a while to drop my guard and let them into my inner circle, so to speak. Even something as simple as a "greet your neighbor" handshake at church is a major ordeal for me. I've forced myself to do it, but it's not always comfortable. It kind of reminds me of that ice bucket challenge. You just have to try to prepare yourself as best you can and do it quickly. There are times when I don't feel as uncomfortable. That's usually when I see someone who feels even more awkward than me. Especially if it's a young person. Those outcast teens who many people seem to avoid are the ones I feel drawn to most. Probably because I was always the outcast when I was young. Anyway, the point is, being an introvert can be difficult when you are wanting to step out of your comfort zone. But with God's help it can be done.

I sing on a praise team. Someone asked me how I got over stage fright. Ha! The real answer is, "I never have." I just have to dive in and do it.I can remember those first days being on a praise team. I felt so awkward. I am also an easily distracted person, so when anyone in the congregation made a move, oh my....I had to fight to regain focus. When I am asked to sing solo, I like to be majorly prepared before I do it. I'm not really a spur of the moment person unless I know the song well or God leads me to sing something (which has happened a few times over the years...I may share some of that later). But it reminds me of how those in ministry have to be. Not just in the singing aspect, but in all aspects. We have to be ready in season and out of season. I know that this isn't necessarily the context, but it still holds true. A person doesn't pick up an instrument one day and begin a huge solo career. They put in hours and hours of practice, learning songs, improving their craft long before that happens. And we have to be like that when it comes to the Word of God. We have to be feeding on the Word so that when the time comes we will be ready. It's not always our idea of fun. But the sacrifice of our time will pay off in the long run (and the more time we spend in the Word, the more fun it becomes). So what does this have to do with our comfort zone? I am of the belief that, when you feel a confidence about something, you are more willing to step out when the call comes to act. I mentioned leaving a church earlier. I had spent a lot of time in prayer and in the Word before I could be certain that what I heard was from God. In the beginning (when I fought leaving for a year), I felt that my leaving would be acting on emotion. That's where the challenge came in. And I think God allowed me to stay so that my heart would be right before I made the decision to leave. Our emotions can trick us into thinking something is of God when it may not be. And we have to be cautious about stepping out of our comfort zone into something that is emotionally fueled, not God inspired. Emotions fade. The dreams and plans that God places within you don't fade. You can try to run, but it's always there. And peace is found in doing what God inspires. If we act from pure emotion, chances are, we'll be feeling pretty miserable somewhere along the way. That's not to say we can't be doing things while waiting for a specific call to be fulfilled. Helping others is never a bad thing. And things we do in the waiting can be valuable learning tools for what's to come later.

I think I got a little off track, but hopefully you understood the point. So, that being said, remember this: As you wait to know your calling (which will most likely require you to step out of your comfort zone), be practicing, preparing, praying, serving others, and be in the Word.It will help you immensely.