Saturday, April 19, 2014

Being that tomorrow is Easter I wanted to share this song that Rick NesSmith and I wrote several years ago. Even though this song tells about the events leading up to the crucifixion, I was actually thinking about how easy it is to get pressured into following the crowd when I originally wrote it (Rick came in later and helped tweak some of the lyrics and add some, and put it to some amazing music). Anyway, I wondered if I would have joined in if I had lived in those times. My guess is, probably so. It's so easy to think we never would do such a thing. But look at Peter. He denied Jesus 3 times. And he had walked closely with him. He loved him. But you know, Jesus knew all of this would happen. Still, He chose to lay down his life for us. And I am so grateful that He did. People can tell me all day long that He doesn't exist, but in my heart, I know He does. He's changed me. That's something I couldn't have done myself. I could never be "good enough" to make it to heaven. No works could ever pay my way. His blood alone provided the atonement for my sin. He was the perfect sacrifice; the sacrifice necessary to reconcile us to God. And the best part is that the sacrifice was made while we were enemies of God. It reminds me of these verses found in Romans 5:7-8:

"Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"

Before accepting Christ, I didn't know this man Jesus. Oh, I had heard about him. But I didn't have a true understanding of the man He was. How could someone love their enemy? How could they want to lay down their life for them? This was a love I couldn't comprehend. My whole life had been filled with rejection. That rejection had turned me into a bitter, angry woman. And now, here I was being accepted with open arms. Arms that were spread out on a cross for me. To this day I am still amazed by that. I see all too well the weaknesses I struggled with then, and now. I miss the mark more times than I'd like to admit, and I wonder why anyone would want to forgive that. But He did. And today I want to be sure to say a heartfelt, "Thank You, Jesus!" Sometimes we can take that for granted. I don't want to do that. I want to always remember the grace and mercy that have been extended to me. I want to remember that forgiveness He provided.

Before I close, let me tell you about my Grandma. She was a woman who loved the Lord. Her every waking moment was spent seeking ways to glorify His name, and to share the good news. She would call me every time Billy Graham was on television. She desperately wanted all of her children and grandchildren to serve the Lord. In her later years she developed Alzheimer's. Up until she was no longer speaking, she would always mention church and God. I found it quite fascinating that a woman who didn't know her own children when they entered the room, who had no control of her bodily functions, who couldn't recognize a fork, couldn't feed herself, etc. could still remember God. And why do you suppose that is? I know that it's because she had a deep intimate relationship with Him. She knew Him personally. Her one desire was to live out His will for her life. I don't know about you, but I want to be like that. I want that kind of intimacy with Christ.

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