Thursday, June 26, 2014

I took a test today. It was one of those silly little tests you see on Facebook. When I read the results, I laughed. It didn't really seem like it matched me. But it got me thinking. Seems like every time I take some test that is supposed to determine what kind of personality I have, what I would like based on my personality, etc., they usually say pretty much the same thing. They say I'm witty, outgoing, the life of the party, confident, down to earth, well liked, and more. Funny, I don't see myself that way at all. In fact, I tend to think the opposite of myself.  I think I'm more of a wall flower who is shy and insecure about my abilities. I have a few close friends. Around them I may be more inclined to be witty and outgoing. They build me up, encourage me and help me be a better me. But in general I'm not that outgoing. All of the things these tests say about me, I'd love to be. Maybe it's trying to tell me something. Hmm...

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