Monday, November 17, 2014

I was sitting here going through some old emails and letters I had printed out years ago. On occasion I like to read them again. I came across a letter that I had written to my cousin (who had already passed away). I was crying as I read the words. It reminded me of just how much I lost when she died. But it also reminded me of how blessed I was to have had her in my life. Sometimes when we're living in the moment we may take it for granted. But I can honestly say that I never took Etta Marie Hatcher for granted. She was one of a kind and I loved her. January will be five years since she died. In some ways, I miss her even more than I miss my dad (who died a year ago in December). I know that may sound bad, but if you know my story you can understand why. Anyway, I went on to read some other things I had printed as well. Each of them was printed out for a reason. These people and their words touched my life in some way. There are times when I may feel like my life hasn't been that important or that I haven't changed much over the years. But reading some of the words that teenagers wrote to me, advice a friend gave me, some explanation about a Bible verse that I'm sharing with someone or they are sharing with me takes me back to that time and place. And I am reminded that, despite the fact that I don't feel like I'm all that important, someone thought I was, just as I thought Marie was. We never know the power of a simple kind word or deed. The lessons I've learned along the way have molded me into the woman I am today. The people who've crossed my path have all been there for a reason. I have a long way to go still, but I know that as I move forward there will be many others who will touch my lives, and hopefully, I will in some way touch theirs.

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