Sunday, November 3, 2013

Last night I went out to eat with my family to celebrate my birthday. Things were going fine until my mother took a bite of chicken and immediately started choking. She was grabbing at her throat and trying to cough. She looked panic stricken. I got up and walked with her into the restroom. She was coughing, but nothing was coming up. I did the heimlich maneuver, but it still didn't come up. My husband came knocking on the bathroom door and I asked him to come in and perform the heimlich maneuver again. He did. Even though we never saw anything pop out, she was able to talk more and was coughing, which helps to dislodge it. It was indeed a scary moment when it happened; one I never want to repeat.

We finally made our way back to the table. I had barely eaten any of my food when the servers came over and began singing a birthday song, complete with gong and clapping. After their performance they said, "Happy Birthday, Jane!" My husband, mother and I started laughing. What made it even funnier was that my husband had told them my name and even spelled it. But this happens to me all the time. I don't know what it is about my name that people find so difficult. My name is JAN. I often wonder...if a man is named Dan and he introduces himself, do people say, "Glad to meet you Dane?" ;-)

Today, my son and daughter in law came to the house to redo my bathroom. It's been a long, exhausting day. But they did a good job and I really appreciate it. I am probably going to have to pop some Ibuprofen if I hope to get any sleep tonight. My body is already feeling it, and I didn't even do all the work they did. I just helped with cleaning out the old tile and such. But any time I do a lot of bending my back hurts. I also have issues with my elbow that was injured years ago, and with my knee. I was glad to finally be done for the night.

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