Monday, December 9, 2013

Spirit, lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the water
Wherever you would call me
Take me deeper than my feet can ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

Whenever I hear these words I think this is more than just a song about taking you to some other land. Oh sure, it could be that people will like it because it reminds them to go into all the world, that God is calling them out of their comfort zone, beyond the borders of their own land. But I think it's much more complex than that. I think it's a reminder to trust God in all things. To trust Him wherever this journey leads, whether to a foreign land or through some major trial or even just doing something He asks. Sometimes we go through some pretty scary stuff in this life. It is generally in the times of the most intense trials that we begin to question God. But you know, even in the questions, we can trust Him. We may not understand, but we can obey when He is leading us to somewhere we may find uncomfortable. Maybe it's something as simple as stepping out in a ministry that we find challenging. I know that when I first sang in front of people it was quite frightening. It would have been so easy to just avoid it, but I felt that it was something God wanted me to do. There are still times when I feel those butterflies in my stomach, when my mouth gets dry from the nerves, but I press on. And then there is my most recent call...a call to be there for my Dad. It was quite a challenge for me to step back into his life when he had hurt me so deeply and had basically abandoned me as a child. But he was in need. And as a believer, I had to forgive him. Even though I had said I forgave him long ago, I was called to not only say the words, but to show him through my actions. Was it easy? Not always. But you know, it definitely made my faith stronger. It gave me a compassion for my Dad that I didn't think possible. It gave me a strength I could not have attained without God's help.

It's been said, "if it's God's will, it will be done." It's so much easier to just trust and obey from the onset. That's not to say that you will always feel like it is easier. There may be times you feel like giving up. But if you can just cling a little longer, God will see you through it. And you will come out on the other side with a whole new perspective on things and a deeper trust than you ever felt possible.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, and by the way....this doesn't mean there aren't other meanings to the song. Trust was just one area that stood out to me. Drawing close to God, trusting Him in every aspect of our lives. Intimacy with God will expand our borders of reaching out to others.
