Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Today is the day that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the most precious gift that anyone could ever receive. But so often we get tied up in the materialism of the season and forget what it's supposed to be about. As I was out shopping I saw people buying all the latest gadgets. When you asked the kids what they wanted, it generally revolved around some new technology. Even little kids are wanting cell phones. Mostly they want to play games on the phone. Technology is kind of a two edged sword. On one side, it is good. I mean, I love being able to connect with people around the world. But then some use it for bad. Anyway, that's not really the point of my blog. I just think we get too focused on what gifts we'll get and forget about the reason we celebrate.

You know, Jesus came to serve, not to be served. He was a giver. And he loved giving. But he always looked beneath the surface of what a person thought they needed. He would meet a tangible need while addressing the spiritual. The woman caught in adultery was about to be stoned. She needed rescuing. He didn't condemn, but rather, extended compassion and mercy. You see, condemnation offers no hope. But here was Jesus offering hope. She may have thought her only need was to be saved from death, but Jesus offered salvation of another kind through his forgiveness. Can you imagine how she must have felt when all of her accusers walked away? Can you imagine that feeling of gratitude? Each and every day I am amazed at the forgiveness God offers. I mess up. I miss the mark. But his mercies are new every morning. And he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins when we come to him and repent. There are so many religions out there that require you to DO something in order to make it to heaven. I've often questioned, "Why would I want to work my butt off to 'try' to make it to heaven?" I mean, think about it....all that work and no guarantee? But with Jesus, I don't have to work to earn a place in heaven. The only work necessary was the work accomplished on the cross. Yes! Thank you, Jesus!

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