Thursday, August 15, 2013

When Jesus had an encounter with a person or group of people, love didn't stop him from being truthful about their condition. But how he presented truth didn't come across as condemnation or judgment. His words were seasoned with mercy, compassion, and genuine love. And this love was without condition. He didn't give you a bunch of rules to live up to before you could follow him.

So many times people who profess to be Christians are quick to spew their accusations and judgments toward those who believe differently or to the lost. They have this misguided notion that it's done out of love. After all, they are trying to keep someone from hell, right? As I thought about that, I was reminded of a time when a man I knew was basically assaulting me with his words about my moral condition. I was so angry, and all he was doing was pushing me further and further from the God he claimed to serve. Having grown up in church most of my life, I knew his methods weren't right. A while later, I was talking to a woman who had been a Sunday school teacher when I went to church as a child. I was sharing some of what he had said, and how he had said it. As we talked she touched on everything he had said. But there was a major difference. She was conveying truth to me, but it was done in gentleness and love. She was extending mercy and hope. It touched my heart. I meditated on it for days after that conversation, and I realized that this was a God I wanted to serve.

There are days when I may not be quite as merciful and kind as I should be. And I think back to how I felt all those years ago and I have to ask myself, "Would my behavior make anyone want to serve God?"  I never want to hinder someone from coming to know Jesus as Lord. So for today my prayer is, "Lord let me love as you love. Let me show mercy, as you have shown me mercy. Give me eyes of compassion. Give me hands and feet ready to serve."

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