Sunday, January 26, 2014

I was listening to a speaker who was talking about vulnerability. She wasn't a Christian, but I found some of her words to be quite inspiring and informative. And really, a lot of it could have sounded like a Christian viewpoint. She touched on topics like worthiness and shame and being whole hearted. She referred to living an authentic life, having courage and compassion, joy, gratitude, happiness. Her words seemed so familiar. Probably because many of them are seen in the principles you find in scripture. As her conversation progressed, she said that if we are to live a life that is open to new and exciting adventures, we will have to allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Being vulnerable can lead us to discover a sense of self worth, joy and happiness that we might not have otherwise discovered. It is taking risks that helps us to find out who we really are. It helps us to live in a manner that appeals to our inner desires. If we lack vulnerability, we are unwilling to try new things. We live in a perpetual state of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of looking silly, etc. Now, let me assure you that walking in fear is not only debilitating (weakening you and robbing you of vitality) it will most likely leave you with many regrets at the end of your life. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want my entire life to pass me by and never to have ventured out of my comfort zone. Oh, comfort zones my be comfortable for the moment, but they definitely leave you in a stagnant place. And what happens when something stagnates? It stops moving or progressing. Okay, so how does this all relate back to vulnerability? Well, a few years ago I knew someone who had been in ministry for many years. She had been deeply wounded by those who should have been her greatest allies. She was telling me about her fear to step back into ministry after having been so hurt. I reminded her that, even though she was afraid, she had to open herself back up to the call God had on her life. She had to be vulnerable. Jesus came to this world knowing he would be rejected. Still, he opened his heart and showed love to those who were enemies. And what a blessing it has been. And I knew that she too would be a blessing to others. But she had to move beyond the fear.

It's pretty easy for me to write these words about fear and vulnerability. It's not always so easy for me to take my own advice. But I know that when I do, great things happen. So this is really a reminder to myself that I have to open myself up to new and exciting experiences. I have to step out and do what isn't always comfortable. I have to become more vulnerable.

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