Saturday, January 11, 2014

Okay, here's another post I actually wrote this morning. It may seem similar to one I posted previously because I was listening to my favorite song of the moment again, and this always brings me back to the subject of trusting God no matter the circumstance. I think, for me anyway, that reading the same thing or something similar is God's way of getting it rooted into my head and my heart. Reinforcement, I guess. 

 As I was listening to the song “Oceans” I was thinking about all the things that we go through in this life. Some of them are pretty scary. But think about Peter when he walked on the water to Jesus. A storm was raging all around him. It took a leap of faith to be able to step out onto the water. It was only when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus that he began to sink.
     There will be storms in our lives. The thing is, even though we may be going through a difficult time, we have to remember that God is right there with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. And anything we go through in this life, anything that God allows is part of a learning process. Learning to trust when it doesn’t seem like anything’s changing about our situation. Learning to let God be our guide, and to follow the course that he has set before us. Learning to use those things we’ve been through to help others in their journey. And learning to lay everything at the foot of the cross; the good, bad and the ugly.  We can’t rely on yesterday’s triumphs any more than we can wallow in yesterday’s failures.
     I have been through a lot in my life. As I look back to those times I can clearly see that God was right there in the midst of it all. Circumstances, as some would call it, lined up in such a way that I was right where I needed to be when I needed to be there. Did I see it while it was happening? Not always. I was usually just too busy trying to get through the day. But it’s true that hindsight is 20/20. And that’s not just thinking about what you would change about your past, but seeing how God made a way when there seemed to be no way.

     I have learned over the years that it does no good to look back in regret. We can’t change the past so rehashing it over and over again is pretty pointless. What we can do is learn from our mistakes and press forward. And that is my goal in this last half of my life. To remember those mistakes and learn from them, and to press on with a new passion to follow Jesus and to do whatever it is I am called to do no matter how scary it may look.  

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