Sunday, January 12, 2014

Today marks the 4 year anniversary since my cousin, Marie's death. Hers was a long battle that started with Lupus and Alopecia. She later developed breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. But the cancer spread to her colon, her liver and eventually her brain. I miss her more than I could ever convey in a blog. I mean, how can you explain the joy, the encouragement that a person brings to your life in just a few short words? You can't. So rather than make a feeble attempt at sharing the depth of feeling I had for this woman, I am going to share some of her favorite songs and some pictures.

These photos were taken at the last family outing we shared at Camp of her favorite places. 

Here are some photos of her being her charming self:

And just a few of those last days spent with her...

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