Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Do you find it difficult to surrender? Difficult to admit that you don't know all the answers? Difficult to trust someone else to steer your course? I remember when I was trying to teach someone how to do something at work, and because they were not doing it exactly how I would, or going as quickly as I would have liked, I felt like saying, "just let me do it!" I knew I could get the job done more efficiently. Isn't that kind of how we are with God? We want him to do what we want when we want it. We fail to recognize that He knows what is best for us, and it may not always come in the package or timing that we would like it to. So to surrender everything to God and trust him when we don't see the plan working how we'd like can be extremely hard for us. But let me assure you, his plan is always going to be better than anything we could think or imagine. Even if we have giftings that are apparent and think we know where that will lead, we may wind up surprised by how God can turn it into something more than our original plan. His way is ALWAYS going to be better than ours. We have to trust that.

Many times we come before God with our prayers and petitions. We are quick to lay them at his feet, saying that we trust he will answer. But do we really trust him? Do we leave those things there? Or are we quick to pick it up and make attempts to fix it ourselves? Oh, there may be times that we have to do things, but I'm referring to a heart issue. Are we fully reliant on God to accomplish the task? Do we walk in faith, even as we walk through the trials? Or do we mumble and complain and speak negatively? Do we run tell it to all of our friends, hoping to find a little sympathy? I'm preaching this to myself as well as to others. We have to surrender it all. Our problems, our lack of faith, our tendency to want to complain, our fears. And guess what. We even have to surrender our dreams and all that they entail. Now I know that some may think that is impossible. But it's not. And you have to do it every day. Sometimes moment to moment. When you find yourself wanting to take over, stop and pray. Pray for God to help you to trust him. Pray for him to guide your steps. Pray for him to help you control your tongue. The power of life and death are in the tongue...be careful the words you speak. Seek his will only. And trust no matter how things look.

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